
Picture Hooks 2018/19 Shortlistees

We’ll soon be announcing our fantastic mentors for the next round of our mentoring scheme, and you’ve already met our newest mentees. As we’ve mentioned, it was an incredibly strong year in terms of our applications and we are keen to let you know about the folk who were shortlisted during the process. So, here’s […]

December 7, 2018

How to get your art to a publisher – Tessa Strickland, Barefoot Books

We recap Tessa Strickland’s advice on getting your work in front of a publisher, which she gave at the Picture Hooks Conference 2017.

June 5, 2017

Innovating in illustration – Robert Frank Hunter and Zoë Aubugeau-Williams, Nobrow

How do you set yourself apart from other illustrators? Robert Frank Hunter and his publisher Zoë Aubugeau-Williams discuss drawing techniques and innovative marketing.

Welcome to our new mentees and mentors

Illustrators from a wide range of nationalities, career stages, and skills to design their first (and in some cases second!) picture book.

February 6, 2017